
A New Year

Happy New Year everyone!

Yes, we are now full into the year 2009. To some of us that means the new years resolution list is being tackled or trashed. The list which commonly has things such as; Lose weight, Quit a habit, Save money, Pay off debt, etc. is either being worked on or worked around. Either way, the new year is here.
There is no escaping the holiday pounds I packed on. So the lose weight resolution is now even more important to me. I do not deprive myself some occasional yummies over the holidays. But for me that means I have to exercise twice as hard….ugh!

Quit a habit, well fortunately I do not have any unhealthy habits. However, I do laugh really loudly sometimes, but that’s a habit I don’t want to break.

Save money, that to me is not so much a resolution as it is a necessity.

Pay off debt. Please see the above sentence.

As far as etc. goes, well……………….. lets just say I prefer not to make resolutions at all. But, instead I look at the new year as an opportunity for new beginnings, new possibilities, and new adventures.

I ask you to please refrain from beating yourself up if you struggle with your resolutions. Be patient, set goals, smile often and do the best you can.

Copyright ©Bobskatie Enterprises-Go Ask Katie blog/Katie’s Corner-all rights reserved


Dav DiDi said...

Good advise for the new year .... Thanks..

Ambrosia said...

Well said! It's good advice to make reasonable goals that are easy to reach, rather than set some lofty one that would be a miracle to stay on track with. It's a trap that snares the best of us.

I haven't been around much lately, busy...hope all's well!