
No Guilt Zone

No Guilt Zone

The New Year is now well underway and March is just around the corner. I know a lot of you made, and may have already broken, New Year’s resolutions. But, I thought you should no that there are still a few things you can indulge in that are strictly no guilt zones. If they’re on your resolution list to get rid of you may want to rethink it!

I’m all about ditching the guilt, like is tough enough; we don’t need to impose guilt on ourselves as well. So if you were feeling guilty about any of these things I'm here to help. If you thought television was something you need to cut back on I beg to differ. Watching your favorite episode of NCIS, getting hooked on Lost ,  watching one of those teary lifetime movies, or even sporting events can be a good mental workout. It stimulates your mind and causes you to challenge yourself. Now, don’t get me wrong, becoming “the couch” or watching endless hours of television are not a good idea. Potatoes are for sour cream not the couch. But take this off your guilt list now!
If you had cutting back on social networking as a no no for the New Year, rethink that too. As long as you’re not spending endless hours in front of the computer, social interaction is a good thing. Just remember you must have friends outside of the internet too. If you’d like to make some new friends in a positive community I invite you to join my social site the Friendship Society. Hey, I might as well put a plug in here too, giggle (hope to see you there).

Just one more….. if you thought you needed to give up coffee, I have some good news. There is an upside to getting your morning jump start from coffee. I recently read that drinking up to four cups of coffee a day helps to reduce your risk of a stroke by 48%. You still have to avoid it if your pregnant though. Where you may want to cut down is on the extras in coffee, whip cream, and  all those mocha java do das .
So be guilt free, indulge in these things and live a long happy life!

Copyright ©Bobskatie Enterprises-all rights reserved

1 comment:

Julie said...

Can't give up coffee or Lost but I do like your ideas.