
Wordless Wednesday Cupcakes


Southpaw said...

What a mean, mean post. You know I have to go and have a cupcake today, right?

Dori said...

All I can say is WOW!!! :-) Now I've gotta have a cupcake today ;-)

Slamdunk said...

I love cupcakes, but am not a chocolate fan. The rest of the gang would tackle for a plate of greaat looking cupcakes like that.

Winifred said...

Oh yes a whole lot of cholesterol there! Yummy!

Rebecca said...

I posted a recipe for frosting that is made with Marshmallows and it is the most bestest frosting recipe that I have ever made. Well, it's the only one, but it's good. really good.......Those cupcakes look wonderful!

Chatty Crone said...

Those cupcakes look delishous! sandie

Ms. A said...

I haven't eaten since yesterday and now I'm starving. Thanks!

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Okay I'm pulling up a chair and pouring me a big glass of milk! Yum!!

ethelmaepotter! said...

Oh yeah, no words are necessary.

Maybe just YUM.

Aries said...

truly a wonderfully yummy wordless Wednesday picture.

Anonymous said...

Thanks SO much for the follow! I am following back.
~Lori S.

Jan said...

So delicious looking.... great pic.
Hugs - Jan

Jill said...

OMG! How I would luv to sink my teeth into one of those this afternoon! *drool*

I'm now Following via Follow Friday 40 and Over!

Have a Great Weekend!


Bossy Betty said...

Thanks, I needed these.

happeningswithLana said...

They look GREAT!!!! Guess I will settle for piece of chocolate zucchini bread I have here tho. :(

Nancy Hinchliff said...

The cupcakes look great. Wish I had the recipe. I posted your button on my InnNotes site

Brian Miller said...

cupcakes dont live long in our

Kristen Andrews said...

yummy, love cupcakes!