I often refer to myself as a veritable font of information. Now that's in no way meant to sound arrogant. The truth is I have a memory like an elephant. My brain is like a giant sea sponge soaking up every tid bit of information that comes along. I realize an image of a cute elephant, or a giant sea sponge might be more relevant to this post. But aren't these roses lovely?
So today I thought a blog post filled with "did you know "and "just good information" might be fun to share.
Did you know that a couple of glasses of champagne are good for your heart? You've heard about red wine. But did you know that champagne also contains poly-phenols ( potent plant chemicals that help improve your blood flow.) Which may reduce your risk for heart attack. Cheers!
Steel wool pads cost about $3.50 for a box of 10. But a 25 ft roll of aluminum foil is usually less than $2.00 roll some up in a rough ball and use it instead.
Did you know white rice is not only tasty but can clean your coffee grinder too? Just add a teaspoon of dry white rice to your coffee grinder. Grind as if you would for coffee until the rice has turned to dust. Wipe out with a paper towel or clean dry cloth. All of the coffee bean stains are gone and the grinder looks shiny and new again( keeps blades sharp too).
Just good information-I’ve done this for years and it works really well. Cleaning the microwave is a breeze.Fill a microwavable bowl with water and a squirt of your favorite dish soap. Place in your microwave and microwave on high for 4 minutes. Let sit for 2 minutes. Carefully remove bowl ( it's hot).Wipe the inside of the microwave with a damp sponge.The hot soapy water steams the microwave clean and all you do is wipe it off. taa daa!
If you've enjoyed this post I'll do more posts similar to it in the future. Meanwhile,........Did you know that your blog friendship makes me smile and your comments make me do a little happy dance?!
find more Good information at Go Ask Katie

Thank you, for all the tips. I will pass the one with rice and the coffee grinder on to my sister. Hugs
Great tips. More, more more! Please?
I'm always in the market for a few good tips! Have a great weekend!
Not just good to know...Very Good To Know!
Great tips! I will try the white rice oh and the champagne for sure!!
As always your tips and tricks are great and believe you me, I use 'em on Deep Clean Friday, yep....my favorite day of the week!!! Woohoo...I'm twisted that way. Haeehehe!!!
God bless ya and have a terrific weekend sweetie!!!
Great Tips! Thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you for all these great tips!
Have a good weekend,
OH my gosh, I am jealous of your memory...and THANK YOU for all these great tips...keep them coming please.
I on the other hand...can't remember what I did with things 20 seconds afterwards.
But I am 72...and being forgeful is par for the course...I understand, according to other friends of mine, my age.
I also have Fibromyalgia and "fibrofog" comes with the conditon too.. unfortunatly as well.
But I do have a question for you...I take Tylenol as part of my meds ...and I know that can cause liver damage...do you know the NAME of the test I could ask my Doctor to send me to get to make sure my live is still working properly ?
I have my liver enzymes tested from time to time, but not sure what to ask for otherwise.
I never like to act like I don't know what in the world I am talking about when I go to my doctor.
These are great tips. And yes, they're always welcome and also good reminders.
p.s. you are very blessed to have a good memory. I'm one of those people that if I don't write it down, it's gone.
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
Okay, Katherine, just came over from my blog and am hooked. Anyone who shares such neat advice is for me! Great idea for the micro! Cleaning day, today.
Thanks for following. Blessings**
Dear Rose,Thank you for your question ( I'll post it at GoAsk Katie.com too) I sincerely understand your concern.
A recent study reported that increases in ALT (an enzyme found in the blood which originates predominantly from liver cells) was found in patients taking the maximum daily dose of acetaminophen (4 grams). Elevated liver enzyme levels SOMETIMES may be, but ARE NOT ALWAYS, a sign of poor liver health.
Initially a simple blood test called a LFT (Liver Function Test) is the one used to determine your liver enzyme levels and liver function. Please speak to your health care professional regarding your concerns.
Wishing you health and happiness, Katherine
P.S. a more detailed response will be posted in the Hot Topics category under the Everything else Title
Thanks, Katie! Love the tip for the coffee grinder! Wish I had your memory. Fibromyalgia sucks it all out of my head! :(
I do like this post with the information. Heading over to see Go Ask Katie.
Thanks for the great info!
Happy Sunday.
Lots of good advice here, Katherine! I like those bleach wipes for the microwave. They remove a ton of stuff!
My husband and daughter both have an excellent memory too. I on the other hand... LOL! I do like the tip for the coffee grinder. I don't usually put soap in the water to clean my microwave. I'll have to try that next time. Usually I just use water.
Katie - such great tips! I'm loving the champagne one - a reason to have some more often! Cheers to a lovely week :)
Thank you for sharing these tips. I like the one about using aluminum foil instead of steele wool. I would never have thought of that. I would love to learn more tips.
FANTASTIC!!!! Love the tip for cleaning the microwave...I usually hate that job...but I think you've just solved that for me!!! Have a great week, dearest Katie!! ~Janine XO
Love the tips. I'm going to try the foil one right away. I LOVE your banner!
Great tips, especially cleaning the coffee grinder with rice. Who knew?
Great tips. I do the microwave one and it is soooo much easier than the old way to clean it.
I really did not know that about the white rice. I will have to give it a try.
Awesome tips, thanks. I will definitely be trying the white rice in the coffee grinder and I'm gonna go steam my microwave right now.
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