
Treasure Hunt

Brightly colored tarps and canopies filled the city museum’s parking lot yesterday morning. The Farmer’s Market was in full swing and the parking was scarce. I parked on the street and I made my way through the crowd carrying my big blue mesh bag (no plastic for me). Anxious to find the delicious ambrosia corn we look forward to every August. There it was! Bushels of it! I had found the golden sweet treasure. I waited patiently to fill my bag and then with a huge grin on my face I began the long stroll through the vendors to find more of the summer’s harvest. I picked up several large (mutant large) zucchini. The truth is zucchini is abundant around here. Home gardens are often over flowing with this delicious squash. I’ve been told that if you leave your car doors unlocked at night there’s a good chance you’ll find zucchini in your car in the morning. But, instead of hoping someone would anonymously leave me a gift of squash I decided to buy a few. I purchased them from the farmer who I watched eating a jalapeño pepper without even breaking a sweat! That was amazing and worth my patronage. I purchased the zucchini and I gently placed them into the bag with the corn, careful not to disturb my golden treasure.
You can find so many things at the Farmer’s Market; fresh fruits and vegetables, whirly gigs, kitchen towels and even fresh pasta. Every trip can garner you something fabulous to bring home. I found some beautiful blue Irises. They were loosely tied and wrapped in plastic and sitting in a bucket filled with water. I bought a bundle shook off the water and started back to the car still grinning with pride over my bag filled with golden treasure. My car had been surrounded by several other cars and maneuvering out of the parking lot was a challenge. But I met it with a smile, nothing could spoil such a successful morning. I made my way home with my treasure and the beautiful, perfect in every way, blue irises.
I photographed one of the Irises for you to enjoy with me. Sorry no photos of the corn. Just my word that it was, de-li-cious!
I do hope you’ll take time to visit your local Farmer’s Market and find some treasures of your own. Maybe you will even write and tell me about what you find.
Copyright ©Bobskatie Enterprises-GoAskKatieblog/Katie’s Corner-all rights reserved

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