
Always and Forever

My husband and I recently celebrated our anniversary and I thought I would share just a few of the things my husband does/says that makes me feel loved and shows why I love him so much.

Those few extra pounds around my middle prompt him to say “you were always too skinny anyway”.

The lines on my face remind him of my smile, and not of my age.

His arm around me at night creates the safest place on the planet.

He knows just when to pass me a tissue at a “chick flick”, and he takes me to see chick flicks!

He says things like; “You are my best friend”, “Not everyone is as open minded and accepting as you, that is one of the reasons I love you”, “You create a new path instead of following someone else’s” .He honors me with these words and many others.

He wants to buy me roses, but buys carnations instead. Because he knows how much I like their fragrance and how long they last.

He tells me I’m beautiful when I first wake up, or I get out of the shower. That’s right, without a drop of makeup on, and my hair in a towel turban, or mashed all to one side.

Lastly, when he sings the song “Always and Forever”, I always know it truly is.

Now I know this may seem all about me. But, the truth is, it’s all about him. The kind of man he is, and the kind of love he gives.
I am honored and privileged to have him as my husband, and to be madly in love with my best friend, always and forever.

Copyright ©2009 BobsKatie Enterprises-all rights reserved


Anonymous said...

That is very sweet, Katie! You are one of the luckiest women in the world!

Carol said...

Katie, I figure he is wonderful to you because you are wonderful to him. Just knowing you over the internet, I know you worthy of his kindness. You and I are so blessed.

john said...

what a beautiful post congrats on your anniversary.

maxivelasco said...

that's truly touching. i hope you two stay in love forever!

thanks for sharing a wonderful story! hugs!