Lately I've noticed a bit of a trend on the blogs I've been visiting. Music. All kinds of music. Spiritual, smooth jazz,rock, and country songs all adding to the blog experience.
I like to consider myself a woman of independent thought. But, in this instance I'm thinking that it would be a pleasant addition to my blog to add some music. Some soft relaxing, pleasant sounds to enjoy while you visit.
What do you think? Please leave a comment with your thoughts regarding this possible addition.
Katherine's Corner is a blog I want you to always feel comfortably visiting, in silence or with sweet sounds.I look forward to your input.

Katie, I think some nice quiet music would be wonderful. If someone doesn't want to hear the music on your blog they can always turn it off. I think it would be a wonderful expression of your love of music!
Hi Katie
Thanks for your visit and comment this morning. I hope you'll stop by're always welcome. I love it when I have new visitors that leave comments because it provides me a way to find my way to their blog. I've REALLY enjoyed my visit here and will return.
As to your question about music. I LOVE music too, but I have a problem with music on most blogs because the music chosen makes it hard to concentrate on the blog post. I will admit there are a few who I really enjoy because of their music, but their blogs are short and sweet and usually more photos of landscaping or decorating so not much concentration is needed. Another pet peeve is when blogs have music and then post a video so you have to take the time to find the right spot to turn off their music in order to enjoy the video. Just my opinion. ;-)
If you love music, add it!
Hi, Katie. I have recently read several blog posts concerning the "music or not music" question. From what I'm reading it seems most people do NOT want music. Various reasons: visitors to your blog might not enjoy your type of music & then have to go to the trouble of turning it off or down; disturbs others around the reader who may be listening to TV or doing something else; or....the reader finds they are having to turn their volume off & on depending on what is happening at the moment and this is aggravating; or....the reader has on their own music as they are enjoying reading various blogs and the blog music gets in the way. All of these are reasons I've read. Although I love most all kinds of music, I do think I prefer not to visit blogs with it mostly for the second reason I gave above. Of course, it is YOUR blog and you are free to do whatever you like:)))) Those of us who don't want the music can just turn off our speakers. The main thing I hate is the word verification process which I have discontinued on my own blog. I have read that many bloggers won't visit blogs with music or word verification...also read where some very popular blogs have taken both off their blogs due to popular demand. Just thought I'd share all this!
I appreciate your comments so much, I'll say they are all music to my ears ;-)
My sound is normally off and on the rare occasion that sound is on......the FIRST (only the very first time) I hear sound on a blog, it kinda startles me.
Something soothing would be nice.
I agree with Kat - most of the time, music on a blog just distracts from the words, and I find myself turning the sound off. IF I were going to add music, it would have to be something wordless, soothing, and very faint. Which wouldn't go along with all my posts - I feel the music must match the mood of the post. So I choose to do the quiet thing - no music.
Katie, thanks so much for the gracious comments. I do love all kinds of music, but I actually keep my sound muted on my laptop. Sometimes it is hard for me to read and concentrate with music going to. Usually just music and no singing is o.k., but if there is singing it is hard to concentrate. Music runs in my family somewhat. My dad plays the guitar and piano without reading music and my son is a drummer. I use to sing in the choir for years.
Thank you so much for your visit today and your gracious comment. I am so happy to meet you. I have browsed a little through your blog, and it is lovely. I am a follower and will be back. Hugs, Marty
The music of Suzanne Ciani (new age). I actually interviewed her a while back for our local public radio station. She's a real sweety, and one of the greats in New Age music - just do a youtube search or on her website for some samples. Ideal for background music.
I like relaxing music on a blog. I think it creates a nice ambience. I have some on my blog.
I've found some new artists that I now enjoy that I didn't know about until I heard the music on someone's blog. Your taste sounds much like my own so I would like it.
However, I've also come across some blogs where I simply had to turn the sound off because my ears started hurting and my brain began protesting against the"noise"! LOL
It's your blog Katherine. Music is nice, I have it on my blog but I don't have it where it turns on automatically when someone comes to my blog. You sometimes can't control how loud it plays and some people don't like a lot of noise. If you add music, I would turn it on to listen while I'm reading your post. Have a great week.
First let me thank you for visiting me and for sending me instructions for using my egg coddlers. I keep the sound off on my laptop as I don't like music on the computer and I have other things going on (music, tv or i'm outside). Also sometimes music makes it take longer for a blog to load. As many have said it is up to you of course.
I think it would be a great idea. I usually have the sound turned off, but one day when I didn't I came across a blog with some great music...I ended up leaving the blog up for quite a while.
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I love music. I usually want to dance and sing to get my mornings going!
If you decide to place a music player on your blog, I recommend not having it on automatic play. Set it up so people can click play to listen:
Otherwise when people hear it-they may click the back button quite quickly as I have.
I have stopped the music to read a post because it's irritating and gets in the way of us reading-but if I have trouble finding the gadget, I won't bother looking for it. I will just leave!
Hope that helps! Everyone has their own input-that's just mine!:) lots of love sweetie! enjoy the week
I have to agree with you - music is wonderful. It moves the soul.sandie
Hi Katie! thank you so much for visiting my blog! I always am so excited to see new faces and add new faces to my favorites to visit! Music, ahhhh I enjoy every kind...from opera to jazz, (well not a huge fan of hard rock, not a fan at all of it lol) I use to have music playing on my blog and would change it with every post to fit each post, then it just became an extra (to do) and just took it off. But I enjoy listening to beautiful music when I pop open someone else s! Oh BTW...the wonderful recipe for the coconut cake is going to be tried out this week. One of my favorite cakes that I usually buy! I will visit often! hugs and smiles across the miles.
I keep my sound off when blogging for a variety of reasons--so I never know if music is playing at a site.
Just keep up the good blogging and I'll continue to be a happy reader.
I usually have my own music playing so I don't hear the music on other blogs.
It's your blog - it should reflect you - go with your heart :)
I agree with Sherri that some nice quiet music would suit a blog like yours. Smooth jazz maybe?
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